Selectaglaze Secondary Glazing Attack Testing LPS1175 : SR2 at ISE 2019

    Under physical attack secondary glazing works by providing a second barrier to entry, with some high performance unit’s achieving the same level of security as unsightly window bars and grilles.

    At lower risk levels it must prevent manipulation of the locks and catches or removal of the glass or glazed panels. As the performance increases it must resist levering or use of cutting tools including penetration of the glazing, which at higher risk levels will be a sophisticated combination of glass, resin and polycarbonate.

    Witness BRE’s team of professional forced entry specialists pitted against two Selectaglaze secondary glazing units; a standard acoustic unit and a high security heavy duty unit. The manual attack tests conducted by the Loss Prevention Certification Board will use a range of tools to attack the frame and glass of both units.

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