Matt Morse

Matt Morse

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Oliver Ronald, Sales and Marketing Director at The Boss Design Group, talks about the importance of understanding culture in the workplace and the emergence of settings when specifying furniture.

Luxury furniture supplier KOKET’s principal designers are a group of exceptionally artistic and well-rounded product designers who are led by KOKET’s Creative Director’s creative eye. Here, KOKET’s Creative Director, Janet Morais, explains what inspired her design for the company’s newly-unveiled Nahema Chair.

In any expertly-designed garden, the ultimate way to elevate the outdoor living experience to the next level is the addition of a fully functional, super-sleek outdoor kitchen.

‘Lifestyle curators’, Aaron Stewart and Fernando Rodriguez, first met in New York City. The pair were encouraged to join forces in 2012 and, shortly after, in 2013 the couple’s flagship store, Aaron Stewart Home, was unveiled. Following this, the pair discovered Aaron Stewart Lifestyle. Here, Inex talks to Fernando about how he and Aaron came to meet and what inspired the pair to open up their exquisite brands.

Not many of us have ever found a place with an irrefutable imprint of serenity. However, design brand BRABBU recently succeeded and became bewildered by the quiet atmosphere of paradise in the North of France at Hotel Castelbrac. Here, Inex takes readers on a tour of this unique hotel inspired by the sea and the different eras which compose its extensive history.

An overwhelming majority of the harsh noise experienced in a room is the result of sound bouncing off ceilings, floors and other hard surfaces. As a result, reverberant sound mixes with direct sound and causes an acoustic muddle that makes listening and communication difficult. In learning spaces, ensuring a high degree of speech intelligibility is critical, but it’s not just educational facilities that are in need of sound quality and reverberation control.

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