Matt Morse
In response to social changes, hotel design has evolved considerably over recent years. As many hotels now market themselves as destination locations, furniture has become more aspirational and is a key element of the design plan.
British Sculptor and Environmental Artist Rob Mulholland was recently commissioned by Morecombe Bay Partnership as part of its ‘Headlands to Headspace’ project to develop an outdoor site-specific art installation to reflect the heritage of Morecombe Bay.
Pioneering and award-winning British Modernist Designer and Architect, Sylvia Reid RIBA, FCSD, is set to become a household name again, thanks to the reissue of her and her late husband John’s iconic S-Range, which they designed in 1960.
The September 2018 edition of Inex.
Wutopia Lab transformed Building 25 of the Sinan Mansion into a bookstore.The goal was to provide a space for learning and thinking for the general public living in the city.
A tribute to the artistic avant-gardes of the early Novecento movement and to the metaphysical poetics of Giorgio de Chirico.