Supplied by leading furniture specialists, bof of Bridgend, South Wales, several of Lyndon Design’s high-backed Arthur booths are featured throughout the project. These provide informal group meeting areas and breakout spaces within the library, whilst delivering the ultimate in design expertise and comfortable ergonomics.
Along with several ‘Unifi’ work pods provided by sister-company Boss Design, Lyndon Design has helped to transform the library into a collaborative workspace reflecting the demand for change in the constantly evolving learning environment.
A total of 15 ‘high back booth’ Arthur sofas from Lyndon Design help create ‘breakout’ spaces, blending soft seating with functional working aspects, enabling students to collaboratively work in various group sizes in familiar, relaxed spaces.
Arthur’s definitive high back provides a sense of privacy with minimal distractions for students by limiting background noise. The horizontal paneling creates comfort and the lumber cushions unique to Arthur offer ultimate relaxation for extended seated work sessions. The low, soft seat helps to provoke the current trend for a high quality, productive learning environment that supports group work, revision and extended study time.
The Arthur sofas have been specified in two-tone blazer quilt upholstery with a separate border lining the seat cushions, and feature elegant rectilinear aluminum legs, providing a striking balance between aesthetics and functional work spaces.
Commenting on this latest specification, Daniel Griffiths, Brand Management at bof said: “Arthur provided the perfect solution for this project. In addition to its technical and aesthetic triumphs, Arthur is an exemplar in creating a new and improved communal learning environment.”
Tailored to harmonise with the current library environment at the University of Reading, and to meet specific learning and spatial requirements, the Arthur sofas exemplify why Lyndon Design continues to be the favourite of architects and specifiers worldwide.
Constructed in the 1960’s and extended in 1984, the library is situated on the Whiteknights campus at the University of Reading. The recent development shows the need to keep up to date with ever-changing study patterns by providing a dynamic learning environment to suit all teaching styles for current and future University of Reading students.