Creator Martin Davenhall explains: “It never even occurred to me to start with a scaled-down model. I could see the finished product from the beginning. Having no formal training enabled me to disregard well-established methods in favour of pushing the boundaries of invention and innovation.
“The Polar Bear is the only sculpture to have been made in this way. Bespoke pieces made from granite are usually done using a computer programme. Each one will be very exact and apart from the raw material, all will look the same. And many can be made once the programme has been set.
“The mirror is an antique dating from the 1800s, handcrafted from oak, expertly restored with black lacquer and gold leaf. The table is made from exquisite antique brown granite. The result is the blending of luxury furniture and contemporary art, a unique, one-off statement piece that can change an empty space into an extraordinarily beautiful one.”